Typhoon Relief

The nation and the world were beginning to realize that enormity of the damage wrought by

The Plight of the People of Roxas City

Aid was coming alright but perhaps not enough or not to the people who needed it most.

Victoria Altavas-Arcega of Baybay, Roxas City wrote:

Just came from the cousins next door and this is what we talked about…

Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) — Roxas City — Nov 8, 2013

Super typhoon Yolanda hit the Province of Capiz and Roxas City in the afternoon of November 8, 2013, after earlier hitting land in Tacloban City and cutting a swath of destruction in that city.

Here is a map of the path of the super typhoon):


If you look closely at the map, Super typhoon Yolanda